Florian Schwendinger
Author of 32 CRAN packages
Florian Schwendinger has completed over 32 packages! The dedication here is off the charts—clearly a coding superstar! Florian Schwendinger teamed up with 36 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
32 Packages
- ECOSolveREmbedded Conic Solver in R
- NLPclientStanford 'CoreNLP' Annotation Client
- ROIR Optimization Infrastructure
- ROI.models.globalOptTests'ROI' Optimization Problems Based on 'globalOptTests'
- ROI.models.miplib'ROI' Access to 'MIPLIB' 2010 Benchmark Instances
- ROI.models.netlib'ROI' Optimization Problems Based on 'NETLIB-LP'
- ROI.plugin.alabama'alabama' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
- ROI.plugin.cplexROI Plug-in CPLEX
- ROI.plugin.deoptim'DEoptim' and 'DEoptimR' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Interface
- ROI.plugin.ecosECOS Plugin for the R Optimization Infrastructure
- ROI.plugin.highsHiGHS Plugin for the R Optimization Infrastructure
- ROI.plugin.ipop'ipop' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Interface
- ROI.plugin.lpsolve'lp_solve' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
- ROI.plugin.msbinlpMulti-Solution Binary Linear Problem Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Interface
- ROI.plugin.neosNEOS Plug-in for the R Optimization Interface
- ROI.plugin.nloptr'nloptr' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
- ROI.plugin.optimx'optimx' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
- ROI.plugin.osqp'osqp' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
- ROI.plugin.qpoases'qpOASES' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure
- ROI.plugin.scsSCS Plug-in for the R Optimization Infrastructure
- RcsdpR Interface to the CSDP Semidefinite Programming Library
- RglpkR/GNU Linear Programming Kit Interface
- RsymphonySYMPHONY in R
- detectseparationDetect and Check for Separation and Infinite Maximum Likelihood Estimates
- fastTextRAn Interface to the 'fastText' Library
- highs'HiGHS' Optimization Solver
- holiglmHolistic Generalized Linear Models
- lpSolveAPIR Interface to 'lp_solve' Version
- pandocfiltersPandoc Filters for R
- pdfminerRead Portable Document Format (PDF) Files
- scsSplitting Conic Solver
- xmlrpc2Implementation of the Remote Procedure Call Protocol ('XML-RPC')
- Balasubramanian Narasimhan
- Martin Maechler
- Anqi Fu
- Kurt Hornik
- Stefan Theussl
- David Meyer
- Diethelm Wuertz
- Ronald Hochreiter
- Hans Joachim Ferreau
- Andreas Potschka
- Christian Kirches
- Dennis Janka
- Andreas Waechter
- Don van den Bergh
- Hector Corrada Bravo
- Brian Borchers
- Christian Buchta
- Heinrich Schuchardt
- Reinhard Harter
- Cyrille Szymanski
- Dirk Schumacher
- Ioannis Kosmidis
- Kjell Konis
- Emil Hvitfeldt
- Julian Hall
- Ivet Galabova
- Leona Gottwald
- Michael Feldmeier
- Benjamin Schwendinger
- Laura Vana
- lp_solve
- Andrie de Vries
- Timothy A. Davis
- Iain S. Duff
- Brendan O'Donoghue
- Patrick R. Amestory